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Plain Carpet Prices in pakistan per square foot

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Plain carpet price of a flexible floor: cleaning, partial replacement or total renovation?Price of renovating a flexible floor: the budgetPrice of renovating a flexible floor: the aid available

The soft floors are resistant to wear and the passage of time, but sometimes you renovate, especially if they have been installed at a time when the materials were not as efficient as today or if they have reached, quite simply, the end of their lifespan, which can be up to about thirty years.

The renovation of a flexible floor , whether it is PVC , carpet or even lino , involves either its cleaning and stain removal or its partial or total replacement with possibly the realization of a leveling to obtain smooth support and plan.
Patching costs between 20 and 30 € per m². The technique is complicated and requires good professional know-how. The duration of the work and the overall price of the service will depend on the type of flexible soil to be renovated or removed and its condition, as well as the condition of the soil.

Plain carpet price of a flexible floor: cleaning, partial replacement or total renovation?

A professional will be able to tell you if your flexible floor can recover a certain appearance by only benefiting from a cleaning and stain removal operation. The carpet for example can take color and flexibility if properly treated and cleaned thoroughly. Various cleaning techniques exist, from steam to dry cleaning through the injector-extractor. It may be interesting to test these techniques on a small area to see the result and assess whether it is appropriate to be satisfied with a deep cleaning or if the replacement of part or all of the soft floor is necessary.

If your soft floor cannot be cleaned, you will have no choice but to replace it. A flexible floor packaged in rolls must be changed entirely: the patches would be visible, would be unsightly and the waterproofing of the floor would no longer be guaranteed.

On the other hand, a flexible floor in adhesive tiles or laying on double-sided adhesive can be renovated only in the most damaged places. It is then sufficient to remove the tiles in poor condition, to clean the floor to remove any traces of glue, and to carefully lay the new tiles. This operation is recommended in particular if you had bought a few additional m² during their installation, allowing you to maintain the visual unity of the floor. The craftsman can also check if the tiles are reversible: in this case, he can possibly remove the damaged tiles, turn them over, clean the face that was placed on the floor to remove all traces of glue or adhesive and make it the visible side. Aside from the colors may be a bit brighter than other tiles if the coating was installed a long time ago, this is the simplest solution,

Price of renovating a flexible floor: the budget

The duration of the work may be longer than a simple installation of flexible flooring because it will be necessary to remove the previous coating and prepare the installation surface again to ensure the adhesion of the new coating.

The price of renovating a flexible floor does not only depend on the surface to be covered, the replacement material and the type of installation chosen. It is also a function of the prices charged by the craftsman for the transport of material and labor as well as the condition of the surface on which the floor is affixed and the time required to remove the previous coating. The free estimate provides an objective idea of ​​the amounts to be expected.

  • The average price for renovating a flexible floor is within a very wide range: from 15 € / m² (for PVC, vinyl, carpet flooring) to more than 400 € / m² (for natural linoleum, resin).

If you had not purchased additional tiles during the installation of the coating originally, it will be necessary to add to the working time of the craftsman the purchase of the new coating, the main objective being here, in the case of ” a partial renovation, that the new coating is consistent in terms of style with the old coating.

  • The price of lino in rolls and slabs is between 12 € and 60 € / m² excluding installation.
  • The lino packaged in slats will come back to you at a price between € 15 and € 65 / m² excluding installation.
  • Ecological linoleum is, in fact, a little more expensive, between € 15 and € 75 / m² excluding installation. The cost of laying the flexible floor must be added to the cost of the covering, which ranges from € 10 to € 20 / m².
  • Velour carpet is available from 5 € / m² and goes up to 35 € / m² for more high-end carpets.
  • Needle-punched carpet costs € 10 to € 15 / m².
  • Long-pile carpet, known as shaggy, is available from € 20 / m² and up to € 35 / m².
  • Natural fiber carpets have lower price ranges: it will cost around 16 € / m² including tax for coconut fiber, 30 € / m² including tax for sisal and 25 € / m² for seagrass.

Finally, the professional also indicates his prices will concern the removal of the old coating and the cleaning of the installation surface: the difficulty of these two operations will impact the estimate.
We can also arrange for the removal and reinstallation of furniture in the room. Most professionals will include waste treatment, i.e. old coating, in the quote.

Price of renovating a flexible floor: the aid available

If you entrust your renovation work, whether it is the replacement of the flexible floor or other services, to a professional, the necessary materials as well as his working time will benefit from an intermediate VAT rate of 10%. This rate can be applied to renovation work on a main dwelling as well as on a secondary dwelling, if the construction of the dwelling has been completed for at least two years.

Mohammad Hassan Roghani

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